The day when families find out where their child will be going to secondary is hugely significant … but do all schools understand just how important?
by Linda Tanner
Having spent my schooldays in Wales, March 1 will always be Dydd Gwyl Dewi to me – although I prefer to block out those interminable eisteddfodau!
In recent decades in England, the date has become significant because it is National Offer Day, when parents find out which secondary school their Year 6 child has been allocated for September.
Sometimes it can pass unnoticed for those working in schools, busy as they are with options, mocks, seemingly endless data demands … oh yes, and children too.
But it is worth recognising what an important day it is for families. Small actions taken around this date can have a big impact not only on the next Year 7 intake but on future cohorts.
Do you send out a welcome letter? To the parent or to the child? Do you hold an event? Most schools don’t have induction/transition activities until June, but it’s well worth considering an activity in early March. This will capitalise on the excitement of those who have got you as their first choice, but can also win over those who may have been given a place with you that they didn’t even ask for.
We have worked with schools who used to have a lot of “referral offers”. Many of those parents accepted places for their children and found the schools met their needs, greatly exceeding their expectations. These families are now some of the schools’ most ardent advocates.
So don’t let that date pass you by. Primary schools take note too – your offer day will soon come round. Why not download our calendar, below, to remind you of significant times in the year to put out the Welcome (or as they say in Wales) Croeso mat?
Click here to download
We will also send you regular updates of the calendar. All you have to do is pop some details HERE